Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Not on Your Life, Dunk Tank!

My Library is having its annual Summer Reading Kick-Off Carnival BigBash on Friday, May 27, 2011.  Here's the lowdown:

Cool Poster, Broadway Gal

As you can see (click the poster to bigify, as Tober, the Thorntown [Ind.] Library Cat, says), a good time shall be had by all attending.  So you and your kiddy people should be there.  Make the date and don't be late.

There are activities aplenty, but certain things caught my alert feline eye.

So, Why Not Cats, Too?
(Just Asking)

Free food.  I'm there.  Make no mistake.

N'yum, N'yum, N'yum . . .

Owwie!  Owwie!  Owwie!

Now, about the dunk tank and moi.  Not happening.  Get that thought right out of your head.  I'm a HUGE supporter of my Library, to be sure, but I draw the line when threatened with drenchings in my ol' nemesis, H2O.

So we won't be going there, sorry.  Minions, take the fall.  That means you, Broadway Gal.  You, too, Queen Settler.  It's for a good cause.

No Way, José.  Not on Your Life
Not Going There, Let Me Tell You

The Bounce House sounds like a lot more fun.  Look for me there.  Unless I'm persona non grata because of my claws.

Typical Bounce House

Loads of Fun, as You Can Clearly See

Hey!  Slobberdog!  Hit the Pavement!

Climbing wall is also quite up my proverbial alley.  Claws give moi a built-in advantage.

Example of a Kid-Climbing Wall

How Grown-Ups Do the Climb Thing

Hey, Lady With the Red Hair!  I know you won't want to miss this feature at the BigBash.

"Where's the Free Food?"

Take advantage of this tremendously funacious good-time joyride.  FREE is good, I hope you know.  Your kiddy people will thank you, parental types.  Thank your parental units, kiddies.  I'll be around reporting all the excitement, so maybe you'll see me there.  But not anywhere near the dunk tank.  I'm serious, now.

More Cool Happening at the S.R. Kick-Off Than You've Had Hot Dinners,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Summer Reading News Beat

P.S.  Since we're speaking about carnivals, festivals, and fairs, our music closer today is the Byrds "Renaissance Fair," from the album Younger Than Yesterday (1967).

P.P.S.  Here's Santana performing "Carnaval/Let the Children Play" live at the Oakland Coliseum (Oakland, California) on July 4, 1977.  The songs appeared on the band's album Festival (1977).

P.P.P.S.  We have had (and will have) several slitherdart programs at my Library.  See here and here for details.


  1. Cauli, if you get me anywhere near those creepy crawlers, I will personally toss you into the dunk tank! The Lady With The Red Hair

  2. Ms. Alyssa just had a small heart attack at the mention of the snakes...I found it quite entertaining!

  3. Hey, slitherdarts are cool! They may not have legs but they can move really fast and have fantastic muscles. So how do they lift weights, without arms? Sometimes we felines catch slitherdarts but only for fun. We let them go after awhile, usually. They have sharp fangs, to be sure!

  4. Tasty corn, not sure about the cactus!!


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