Sunday, May 8, 2011

Gracie Gets Her Medal

Gracie, commonly known as "Baby" at Junior's Farm, and who is extra special MPL correspondent for homeland security, has received a feline medal of valor for her actions protecting the slobberdogs' supper dish against scurrydog encroachment.

Below is an excerpt from the official letter authorizing the medal.

By order of General Bonkers, Commander, U.S. Feline Action Forces, the Feline Medal of Valor is hereby ordered, and the same bestowed upon, Gracie ("Baby") of Junior's Farm, for her unqualified valor and bravery under attack by encroaching scurrydogs threatening the domestic tranquility and safety.  Having vanquished her foe, protected the commonweal, and restored order to same, the recipient named above is hereby awarded this medal, and all rights and privileges appurtenant thereto, by a grateful feline nation.  Executed this 8th day of May, 2011.

[Signed by Pawprint]

General Bonkers
Commander, U.S. Feline Action Forces

Gracie's Medal of Valor

We are all proud of "Baby" for her bravery against the scurrydog.  On the other hand, the rest of us feline correspondents at my Library will never hear the end of this.

See What I Mean?

Is That Real Gold?  Just Asking,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Award News Beat

P.S.  Speaking of medals, here are (is?) the Statler Brothers with "Silver Medals and Sweet Memories," from the CD The Best of the Statler Bros. Rides Again, Vol. II (1989).

1 comment:

  1. Our apologies to The Onion News for borrowing their graphic of "General Bonkers." It's not easy to find felines in military apparel on the share-alike image sites!


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