Tuesday, April 12, 2011

You CAN Get What You Want . . . and Need

"You can't always get what you want," sang the Rolling Stones' Mick Jagger et al., "But, if you try sometimes, well, you just might find you get what you need." My Library wants to change those lyrics (metaphorically, of course; we would never presume to debase Rolling Stone lyrics) so that our Library patrons ALWAYS get what they want (and need).

My Library is conducting an adult programs survey, in which you, our loyal and well-respected grown-up patrons-about-town, may tell us exactly what programs you want us to offer.  Sadly, we do not have an online option available to complete the survey, but you may pick-up a copy at the MPL Circulation Desk.  Truly Nice Gentleman has provided me with an advance copy, which looks like this:

Click on the Images to Enlarge
(Not My Fault If They Don't)
Don't miss this opportunity to tell us what to do.  We want to offer programs you grown-ups will enjoy and derive plenty of benefits from the experience.  (Children's and Young Adult programs are handled by Broadway Gal, Wild Thang, and Cataloger Queen, whom I probably gave another nickname in an earlier blog but I've forgotten what it was now.  So sue me.)

Stop by the Library next time you're in my neighborhood to fill-out the survey form.  If you're really ambitious and don't mind covering the printing costs, you could print out the images above, complete the forms, and return them to us upon your next visit.  It's your call.

Telling My Colleagues What to Do Since Time Immemorial,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Public Opinions News Beat

P.S.  The Rolling Stones included "You Can't Always Get What You Want" on their album Let It Bleed (1969).

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