Wednesday, April 13, 2011

More Bang For Your Buck

If you're looking for Bargain City this weekend, you can't go wrong with the Friends of my Library.  The Friends are holding a fantastic sale on Saturday, April 16, 2011, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  But let's be more colorful about it.

Click the Image to Enlarge

What's for sale, you may wonder?  Books, mostly.  But there are other tidbits, like VHS cassettes and other media.  You will find bargains galore!  You'll make out like a scooterbandit.  Say what, you say?  We've met them before, but here's a reminder.


There are literally boatloads of books that will be available at the Friends Book Sale, so you should arrive as early as possible (nine in the morning is plenty early, let me tell you, but I'd get there a few minutes early just to be safe).

This would be a good time to remind our patrons that MPL also has a permanent Friends Book Sales Room in the front of the Library, immediately next to the interior book & media drop slots and to the immediate right as you come in the main entrance.  Anytime the Library is open, you may browse the inventory at your leisure and purchase your items at the Circulation Desk.

All this book sale talk got me to thinking--what other items could the Friends offer for sale?  How about a book/bake combo sale?  Not baked books, as you might at first suspect, but books and baked foods.  Perhaps "baked" is too limiting of a term, since this conjures cookies, cakes, pies, pastries, and such like.  What if we allowed for any donated food dishes to be sold?  Well, that would increase the breadth of tastiness available.  What would be ideal foods for such a fundraising event?  Well, let's start (and end) with what I like.

Tuna Noodle Casserole

 Salmon Croquettes

Fish Tacos

Who would do the cooking?  Not me, I can assure you.  Felines are served forepaw-and-hindpaw.  It does not work the other way, I'm afraid.

Wait, hold the phone!  Boss Lady has just informed me that the Friends can't serve fancy foods, particularly the ones I crave, at a book sale.  Another great Cauli brainstorm goes South!

Well, let's return to the Friends Book Sale.  The title says "book" but there's a lot more stuff available for you to buy.  All the proceeds support Mooresville Public Library, so you know you're getting excellent value for your money.

Come one, come all!  Support your Library and get a ton of fabulous reading, listening, watching, whatever.  You'll get what you like, and you'll like what you get.  That's a Cauli promise, and you just can't do any better than that, can you?

Bag a Few Books For Moi, Boss Lady,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Friends of the Library News Beat

P.S.  In keeping with our book sale theme, enjoy "Come and Get It," written by Paul McCartney and recorded by Badfinger (1969), from the album Magic Christian Music (1970), which was the soundtrack to the movie, The Magic Christian (1969), starring Peter Sellers and Ringo Starr.  This live television performance was broadcast in 1970.

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