Saturday, April 23, 2011

Market Your Library Where the Action Is

Hey, all my library colleagues out there! Want to learn how to market your collections, programs, events, activities, and general libraryness to the world-at-large? Your patrons surf the web, just like everybody else, and you can reach them through social networking media like YouTube, Blogger, Twitter, Facebook, etc.  But how?  That's the $64,000 question, or at least it was in the fifties on American television.

Fortunately, Broadway Gal and Scowl-Face are doing a workshop at the Indiana Library Federation (ILF) District 8 Conference next Wednesday (April 27, 2011) in which they explain the whole deal.

This is truly exciting stuff!  (They told me to say that, so it must be true.)  Extend your library's reach and leave your global online footprint.  Not as cute as mine, of course, but you can't have everything.

Leaving Some Footprints Outside the Library in the Rain-Soaked Mud,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Workshop News Beat

P.S.  ... Where the Action Is! was a 1967 album by the Yardbirds.  It was re-released on CD in 1997.  There are several live performances on the album, as well as studio tracks.  It includes "Shapes of Things" (1966). 

1 comment:

  1. We live in Los Angeles, one of the biggest cities in the U.S., and I can tell you that our library system is WAY behind what you guys are doing as far as reach. I think maybe the smaller libraries are fortunate in that they are able to be more creative with less red tape.


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