Sunday, April 24, 2011

Drawer Dude Fixed My Hat

Drawer Dude, who is a bona fide artist, graphics designer, Photoshop expert, and pharmacy technician, has fixed my hat.  You may recall that Scowl-Face edited my previously-posted picture, and stunk is, unfortunately, an insufficiently descriptive term.  Drawer Dude, on the other paw, really fixed up the photo nicely; in fact, it is the best, most professional edit I've ever seen applied to a photo of moi.

Do I Look Spiffy, or What?

You should see Drawer Dude's artwork and graphic designs, folks.  Well, I guess you have, if you've read the basket workshop post, which, by the way, is by far my most popular posting, with (as of this writing) 735 readers and counting!  You've also seen Drawer Dude's work if you've watched our zombie book trailer.  If you haven't seen it, here's your chance to take a look.  Watch for his sketches early on.

These are, of course, fairly rough and quick sketches, but you should see his portfolio.  Talent like his should be making beaucoup buckaroonies for him and for whomever he'd be working.  You artsy business types out there should take notice and hire Drawer Dude straight away.  Scowl-Face, who, if you can imagine, once worked in advertising and marketing at The Saturday Evening Post, said that Drawer Dude's skills would have been enormously valuable when he (Scowly) worked there.  Of course, Drawer Dude would have been only 3-6 years old at the time, but his creativity was precocious. so D.D. probably could have pulled it off.  He certainly couldn't have done worse work than S.F., that's for sure in a handbasket.

I think this new hat photo really showcases my beautificity, beautaciousness, or whatever the noun form for beautiful should be.   (Beautiful is an adjective.  Take that, grammar goose!)

Uh-oh.  Mentioning the word goose recalls Scowl-Face's nightmare experience of three years ago.  I've touched upon this before, but take another gander (ouch!)  I thought I had just thought up the phrase, being so terribly clever and all, but it looks as if others beat me to the punch.  (I got all the hors d'oeuvres, however.)

If Drawer Dude can vastly improve the quality of my photographs, imagine what he can do for yours.  Except Scowl-Face, of course.  Artistic abilities have their limits, you know.

Single-Pawedly Bringing the Fedora Back into Style,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Haberdashery News Beat

P.S.  Today's posting calls for "Don't Touch My Hat," by Lyle Lovett, from Road to Ensenada (1996).  Amazingly, I couldn't find a share-alike video of Lyle performing this song.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, is that a drawing of Buffalo Gal in your "Zombie Survival Guide" book trailer? Great work, Drawer Dude! By the way, Cauli looks like a true journalist now, with her new hat.


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