Saturday, March 24, 2018

Our Go-To Go-Tabs

So, you're visiting my library, and you need to access the Internet, but you've forgotten your mobile device or laptop or whatever.  You could use our computer lab, but that cramps your style (I'm only guessing here, but let's just say for fun).  You'd really like to be able to checkout a portable tablet with Internet access that you could use while you're inside the library, taking it to one of our many quiet areas with tables by the windows.  Guess what?  We've got you covered.

Use your Evergreen Indiana library card to checkout our Hublet portable Internet tablets available at the circulation desk.

Click Photos to Bigify

You'll need your Evergreen Indiana password (i.e., PIN) to checkout the tablets.  If you've forgotten your password, our circulation staff can reset it for you.

Our I.T. guru T. Rex has pre-loaded these tablets with our mobile app (MPL2GO), as well as some popular, super helpful apps.  These may require your own login credentials, however, so you may need to setup an account with the app providers to use them.

These tablets only function inside the library, so don't try to take them outside.  If you do, we've got a highly trained squad of attack kitties standing by.

Okay, Maybe Not

The tablets should automatically connect to our WiFi network after you check them out.  There are instructions on each tablet to help you.

When you're done, just return the tablet to the Hub at the circulation desk, insert it into a vacant slot, and it automatically checks-in.  It's as simple as that.

Try out our tabs on the go.  (We need a catchier name.)  Go-Tabs?  I like the sound of that.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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