Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Meet Captain Book

Meet the official mascot of my library's youth services department.

Meet Captain Book, by Mooresville Public Library
(click arrow above to play video)

What about moi?, you may ask.  Why am I not the official youth services mascot?  For starters, I am the library's official feline roving reporter (retired), which is much higher on the food chain than a mere mascot.  So the captain can do that--it's okay by moi.  I'm just relieved that I'm not being replaced.

TV's Amanda did a great job introducing Captain Book in that promo trailer (video).  She's a natural talent, given her family's television background.

What will Captain Book be doing at the library?  You'll have to drop by to find out!  What am I, a social secretary?  Not!

Seriously, the captain will be doing lots of fun things with TV's Amanda in her children's programs.  Those superpowers will come in handy once programming resumes on Monday, January 29.

Your (Retired) Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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