Monday, April 4, 2016

Cauliette in the Press Box

Once again, I've come out of retirement to report on a library program featuring moi.  Well, to be precise, Cauliette, my puppet self that BizMeister created.  Click the photos to bigify.

 Backdrop for library program about Amos Rusie,
"The Hoosier Thunderbolt"

Cauliette reporting from the press box
(note the notepad and press pass)

Mooresville native Amos Rusie (1871-1942) played for the New York Giants and was considered the fastest major league baseball pitcher of his time.

The Decorinator and BizMeister created this wonderful backdrop for this program and suggested that I cover it for my blog.  Since I'm retired, it was a perfect job for Cauliette, who still works in the MPL Indiana Roving Reporter Room.

My minions took some photos before the program began, which showcased homemade snacks (created by BizMeister), including "crackerjack" caramel corn and baseball cookies, as well as hot dogs. Our local McDonalds graciously donated juice containers.

BizMeister also served as ticket-taker (well, since the program was free, she actually gave out tickets for a raffle prize).

BizMeister & the Decorinator
joking around before the program

The program was presented by Indianapolis author and baseball expert Pete Cava.  If you missed the program, Scowl-Face video-recorded it, including a Q & A session.

Amos Rusie:  The Hoosier Thunderbolt
by Pete Cava
(click image to play video)

Question-and-answer session for Amos Rusie program,
by Pete Cava & David Reddick
(click image to play video)

Before the program began, our own Miss Teresa, whom I'm now nicknaming Keyboard Queen, played "Take Me Out to the Ballgame."

Miss Teresa plays "Take Me Out to the Ballgame"
(Amos Rusie program intro)
(click image to play video)

I guess I should include some images of Amos Rusie himself.

 Amos Rusie 1889 baseball card
from the Indianapolis Hoosiers
(major league baseball team)

 Amos Rusie baseball card
early 1890s, New York Giants

 Amos Rusie in the windup
(He was the fastest pitcher of his era)

 Amos Rusie baseball card (mid-1890s)
New York Giants

Amos Rusie PowerPoint slideshow
played at the beginning of our program

Amos Rusie Baseball Hall of Fame plaque (1977)

Several Rusie family members attended the program and added some interesting stories during the Q & A session.  There was a good turnout. Luckily, we didn't have to call the game because of rain, but it was really windy.  That's why we didn't play a wiffle ball pickup game in the library courtyard outside after the presentation.

As always, everyone did a wonderful job.  It was a most enlightening program.

Your (Retired) Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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