Thursday, March 3, 2016

My Retirement Travels, Part Quatre

My retirement travelogue continues with my visit to the Masai Mara National Reserve in Kenya.

Hitching a ride with one of my big cousins
(click images to bigify)

Originally established in 1961, Masai Mara is one of Africa's most popular nature reserves. Rather than reinvent the wheel, here's a website that provides a good description of its wonderful scenery and ecosystems.

I had a famous distant relative from Kenya called Macska (Hungarian for cat), who lived with Baroness Karen von Blixen-Finecke (1885-1962), who, under the pen name Isak Dinesen, wrote the book Out of Africa (1937), a memoir of her times in Kenya.

Karen Blixen & Macska
(undated photo)

After Africa, I ventured to many other places around the world.  Here, in no particular order, are some of those destinations.

 Hanging five at Fuerteventura, Canary Islands

 "Nice Suits!" I told this pair of Flipperwaddlers
(Humans call them penguins)

 "Looks green to moi," I told these tourists as we floated down
the Danube River in the Wachau Valley in Austria.

 Hiking near Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

 "Make with the giddyap, Icelandic horseys!"

 More hiking in New Zealand

Himalayan adventures in Nepal and Tibet

Some wise guy said I'd been "photoshopped" into these pictures, but I was really at all these places.  Can I help it if I take a flat photo?  Sort of like "Flat" Cauli, only she's supposed to be that way.

Anyway, it was fun travelling yonder and back.  Retirement certainly has its rewards.

Your (Retired) Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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