Thursday, November 19, 2015

Goodbye, Tober

Tober, Boss Cat at Thorntown (Indiana) Public Library, has passed over.  I am so sad I can hardly lift my paws to type this.


Tober posted his farewell blog.  All of his previous postings will be kept active for his many fans to enjoy.

Tober came to Thorntown Public Library on October 19, 2008, and he immediately took charge, as we felines should do.  Humans need our supervision and direction, after all.  He had a terrific forever home there, and he made many lifelong friends among staff and patrons.

Tober was (and will continue to be) a world-famous library cat.  He appeared on the cover of the 2014 Baker & Taylor cat calendar.  Hundreds of thousands of humans followed his blog posts.

Tober, calendar cover kitty

Tober's blog has a worldwide audience, with over 180,000 viewings (new count), which, when added to a previous blog count (approximately 175,000), meant that his blog posts have been viewed over 355,000 times.  That's more than my blog, folks.

Tober was the inspiration behind a 2011 Indiana Library Federation (ILF) workshop about library critters being outstanding marketing tools for libraries (especially public libraries). Had it not been for Tober, that workshop would never have happened.

In 2012 my minions made a special trip to visit Tober on his Finding Day (October 19), about which I blogged here.

There are many wonderful library cats throughout the world, but none made a bigger impression on his library patrons and colleagues than Tober.  He was an exceptional goodwill ambassador for Thorntown Public Library, bringing good cheer and happiness to thousands of visitors.  He set the standard for what exceptional library service should be. His friends will truly miss his happy purr, gentle headbutts, and charming personality.

Although we are crying as we type this, we know that Tober is among friends as he has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  The Summerland is a wonderful place for kitties to be with other departed pals, and we know that, when our time arrives to cross-over, we will see him again and romp together.  Those will surely be good times.

For now, we remember Tober as he would have wanted.  He brought sunshine into our lives and made life better everyday for everyone who knew him.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  We reprise our promo trailer celebrating Tober Finding Day, October 19 (2012).

P.P.S.  Here's our Tober promo trailer with an alternate soundtrack (2012).

P.P.P.S.  2016 Update:  Peaches & Paprika created a touching, beautifully rendered video tribute to our loving feline friends, including Tober, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge in 2015.  My human friends should grab the tissues--there will be tears--but the love that remains in our hearts will reach our departed pals in their new heavenly homes.  Visit the Peaches & Paprika YouTube Channel for more videos, and also peruse their blog.


  1. My human and I were so very sad when we read about Tober, especially because he was still middle-aged and should have had more years ahead of overseeing the Thorntown library. I know he will be missed in his hometown, and he is missed lots by us cat bloggers too.

  2. Was so terribly sad to hear this today. Will miss Tober very much. human mum is ever so sad, (ellie from the once Kitty tracks blog). but glad that Tober had a wonderful life and gave many much happiness. purrs and love to Cauli le chat and library staff.


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