Friday, October 23, 2015

3-2-1 Blastoff!

The Decorinator, BizMeister, and our intern, the Sundance Kid (her human name is Kassidy, so her Cauli-nickname had to be something related, even if Butch Cassidy's surname was spelled differently) have built themselves a rocketship, which is now on display just inside my library's front entrance.  (As always, click the photos to bigify.)

 T-minus twelve minutes and counting

T-minus six minutes and counting

 Rocket's number is actually the
Dewey Decimal Classification Number for Astronautics

 Mooresville is the home of the Indiana State Flag, after all

 Of course, our rocketship would include the Mooresville Town Banner

Command module landing at our Youth Services Department entrance.

The rocketship and command module are promoting the Link Observatory Lectures held in the MPL Community Room on select Saturdays.  These programs are open to the public--all ages are welcome!  It's a fun family learning event.  There's a new lecture coming tomorrow (Saturday, October 24, 2015) at 8 p.m.

Click image to bigify

Join our crew and explore space in our rocketship!  Or at least visit the library to checkout items about astronautics and space travel (629.4) and come to the Link Observatory Lectures.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Floating," by the Moody Blues, appeared on the group's album, To Our Children's Children's Children (1969), which was inspired by the American moon landing earlier in 1969.

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