Sunday, August 9, 2015

Feline Grand Marshal?

At today's Old Settlers Parade, you may not have noticed that the Grand Marshal had a feline counterpart.

 Boss Lady as Grand Marshal
2015 Old Settlers Parade
(Click photos to bigify)

That's Moi riding shotgun
(in my pilot cap)

Boss Lady, as you may recall, was named 2014 Mooresvillian of the Year, and so was this year's Grand Marshal for the Old Settlers parade. Naturally, as the library's (retired) feline roving reporter, I was there to cover the festivities, but I also was unofficial feline grand marshal.  How cool is that? It's certainly an honor befitting my station, as I once mentioned in this blog post.  Of course, we should include another photo of moi as feline grand marshal.

Yep ... Pretty much

Scowl-Face took some photos of the library's parade float, which was fantastic.  Another great job, Decorinator, BizMeister, and team.  The float included characters from the Peanuts® comic strip, which was created and drawn by the late artist Charles M. Schulz. The float theme was an adaptation of Schulz's book, Happiness is a Warm Puppy (1962) (available to checkout from our Evergreen Indiana catalog). (Scowl-Face's mother gave him a copy of this book when he was a tiny dude.  He still has it.)

 MPL Banner
(Click photos to bigify)

 Check-out those nifty Charlie Brown shirts!

Isn't that OfficeMeister pulling the float?

 That's Snoopy & Woodstock on the slobberdog house

 Happiness is indeed a good book!

 Visit MPL to checkout some happiness

Watch out, kids collecting candy!  Floats coming through!

Another fine parade.  Now onto the Old Settlers Festival at Mooresville's Pioneer Park.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

1 comment:

  1. My human thinks this is awesome! We live in one of the biggest U.S. cities and she cannot remember a library here EVER being part of a parade!


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