Sunday, January 11, 2015


Fans of the television series Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K) (1988-1999) will immediately recognize this movie quote:  "Wowie-wow-wow!"  (Apologies to Arch Hall, Jr.).  Need a further hint?

Yep.  Pretty Much.

The dialogue ("Watch out for snakes!" and "Wowie-wow-wow!") comes from MST3K episode #506, Eegah! (1962), a "monster movie" in which teen rocker Tom Nelson (played by Arch Hall, Jr.) reacts to his well-dressed girlfriend, Roxy Miller (played by Marilyn Manning) by speaking the "Wowie" line.  The film revolves around a prehistoric giant (played by Richard Kiel).  For the uninitiated, MST3K riffed bad movies like this (i.e., made jokes while the movie was playing).

Anyway, I mention the line because my Library now has Wowbrary.  (All together now.) Wowie-wow-wow!  See, it's fun to say and hear.  Well, maybe not so much.

Click to Visit Our Wowbrary Web Page

Wowbrary is an email newsletter to which our patrons may subscribe to keep abreast of all the latest books, movies, and music my Library has available to checkout.  Patrons click the book/DVD/CD covers shown in the email (or in "widgets" on our website and social media), and they will jump to our Evergreen Indiana (E.I.) online catalog, where they may place holds upon desired items or see which E.I. libraries have available copies.

Want to see what the Wowbrary email newsletter looks like?  Sure you do.

Here's what the "widget" looks like on our website and social media:

Click the Book Covers (Above) to Jump to

Click the marquee below to sign-up for our Wowbrary email newsletters.

Click Marquee to Sign-Up

Now you will know all the great new books, movies, and music that we add to our catalog each week.  I think Arch Hall, Jr. would approve.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Here's the famous "watch out for snakes!" line from Eegah! (1962), as riffed by the MST3K gang.  (Visit the official MST3K YouTube Channel for more fun film riffing.)

P.P.S.  Here's Arch Hall, Jr. (playing the character Tom Nelson) in the movie Eegah! (1962), singing to Marilyn Manning (playing his girlfriend, Roxy Miller).  It's heavily riffed in the MST3K version, but this clip was taken from the original.  It's kinda sweet, in a teenager-kind of way.  Teen audiences who saw this film over 50 years ago could relate.

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