Monday, December 15, 2014

MPL Signing Off

Looks like my Library is "signing off" for awhile.

MPL Outdoor LED Sign Takes a Hit

That's what's left of our outdoor LED sign.  Fortunately, no one was seriously injured.  But our electronic messages will be out-of-commission for some time.  Scowl-Face will have his work cut out for him (he programs the outdoor sign) once it's replaced. Meanwhile, visit the MPL website and social media to keep up with what's happening at the Library. You could also subscribe to our email newsletter.

Here's how the sign used to look:

 MPL Outdoor LED Sign (March 2012)

Summertime View of the Outdoor Sign (June 2010)

Luckily, my supper dish was safely far away from the accident.  You may recall my supper dish played a role in another close call for the outdoor sign.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

1 comment:

  1. Wow! It IS a good thing no one was hurt. Well, except for the poor sign.


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