Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Near and "Deer" To Our Hearts

By Gracie ("Baby")
MPL Special Correspondent
Homeland Security News Beat

Cauli occasionally visits us at Junior's Farm, a few miles southeast of Mooresville, Indiana. She calls us her country cousins.  Since I'm in charge of Homeland Security around these parts, I wanted to alert Cauli's loyal readers to an adventure near and dear to our hearts. Perhaps that should be "neer and deer."  To-wit:

Deer Munching Corn at the Winged Dinner Feeders 
(Click Images to Bigify)

 Where's "Lefty" Going?

HEY!  Lay Off the Hostas, Bambi!

As a show of bravery, I charged these visitors--I just wanted to get a closer look--and they were startled, "barked" warnings to one another, and jumped about.  Seeing that I was comparatively tiny, they returned to eating.  I wasn't looking for a brawl or anything.  Playful romping, really. They're huge and can kick quite hard, after all, so no kitty would ask for trouble from them.

We're happy to have our dear friends (who are deer friends, naturally) drop by for din-dins. Last winter we saw 13 simultaneously eating in our yard. Quite a crowd!  I expected a 20 percent tip, but I was stiffed.  The food industry is a thankless job.

The Lady With the Red Hair says we need to cut back a bit on the corn because of some financial crunch.  But the only crunch those deer care about is the crunch of the corn as they're munching it.  So I think we should regularly spring for some chow for them.  Just as long as I don't have to foot--or, rather, paw--the bill.

Ready to Meet the Challenges to Home and Hearth,

Gracie ("Baby")
MPL Extra Special Correspondent
Homeland Security News Beat

1 comment:

  1. Deer TV - now that is something I haven't seen in my yard!


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