Friday, August 22, 2014

Sparkle, May You Always Fare Well

I am so saddened that Sparkle the Designer Cat, world-famous feline blogger, book author, supermodel, and champion of feline causes, is terminally ill.

Click Photo to Visit Sparkle's Website

Sparkle has been an inspiration to all felines to share our vast kitty knowledge for the betterment of society.  What Sparkle has taught humans about cats could fill volumes.  We have two of Sparkle's superb books in our Evergreen Indiana online catalog, which are available to check-out for E.I. cardholders.  For non-cardholders, check your favorite online booksellers (e.g., or nearby book stores.

Click Covers to See These Books in
Our Evergreen Indiana Online Catalog

For over a decade, Sparkle has brightened readers' days with her humorous, insightful commentary about all things feline.  Her sound advice has helped humans better understand and interact with us kitties, and vice versa.  Please continue to read Sparkle's past blog postings, books, articles, etc., as this will warm your hearts and keep Sparkle in our thoughts and prayers.

Although Sparkle has retired from blogging, she has selected someone to take over for her.

Meet Summer, Therapy Cat

Nobody could replace Sparkle, but we're confident that Summer has the chops to continue in Sparkle's pawsteps.

We will always love you, Sparkle.  Even though you don't believe in the Rainbow Bridge, my minions assure moi that you are bound for the Summerland, where all your friends (and mine) will rejoice in reunion (or new acquaintance).  (For those interested, here's another book on the subject.)

Goodbye, Sparkle.  May you always fare well.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  In our promo trailers, "Flat" Cauli checks-out and checks-in Sparkle's books using our self-check machines.

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