Sunday, July 13, 2014

Goyangi Means Us, Pretty Much

The Lady With the Red Hair introduced moi to a children's picture book that she just cataloged for Greenwood (Indiana) Public Library.  It is a charming children's picture book called Goyangi Means Cat, by Christine McDonnell (illustrated by Steve Johnson & Lou Fancher).  Our book trailer elaborates.

MPL Book Trailer #202
Goyangi Means Cat
by Christine McDonnell
(illustrated by Steve Johnson & Lou Fancher)

Book Cover (click to bigify)

Soo Min has come from Korea to live with her new American adoptive family, who do not know many Korean words, and Soo Min knows no English.  But Goyangi--Korean for cat--shares a language of friendship and playfulness.  Goyangi helps Soo Min adjust to her new life, but, then, Goyangi slips out of their home into the huge outside world--dangerous for a feline unfamiliar with life on the streets.  Soo Min and her adoptive mother search far and wide for their loyal friend.  Can love bring a lost friend home?  You'll find out when you read this touching tribute to the loving bonds of family and friendship.

The book is available to check-out for those with an Evergreen Indiana library card.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  This video introduces the book My Weekly Korean Vocabulary with Stephanie.

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