Saturday, July 19, 2014

Cows Falling Out of the Skies!

Look out!  Cows are falling out of the skies!

Today Greenwood Public Library presented the second annual Great Cow Drop in the football field next to the library.  There were lots of fun activities, and several vendors displayed their wares and services.  Click the photos to bigify.

sold her baskets to raise money
for the Friends of GPL

 Cow Wagon Rides

 Part of the Great Cow Parade

The Parade Begins!

 Giant Cow with a message
we kitties can get behind
 Parade ends and cow rides begin

Wave to your favorite cow

 Cow photo ops

 GPL Children's Department
doing custom face-painting

Pretty cool!

 GPL Children's Department
freestyle drawing & crafting table

 Surfing Simulator


 Bounce House

 Cornhole competition

Follow the bouncing ball!

Helicopter drops the cows
from an incredible height!

 Safe landings (even without a parachute)
What an amazing stunt!

 None the worse for wear, I'd venture

Ready for more fun

The Great Cow Drop was a tremendous success, with many lucky patrons winning donated prizes.  Everybody had a lot of fun, and proceeds helped support Greenwood Public Library.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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