Friday, June 20, 2014

Another Great Teddy Bear Sleepover

Last night, Crafty Gal hosted another great teddy bear sleepover program in the Library's community room. Naturally, she took lots of photos, some of which I've borrowed from the MPL Facebook page.  As always, click the images to bigify.

 Thanks to Sugar Mamas for the terrific teddy bear cupcakes
(They were delicious!)

 Beds are all set for the stuffed critters

 Stuffed critter read-aloud was truly fun!

 N'yum n'yums, for sure

Lots of fun games were played

Stuffed critter caregivers enjoyed the cupcakes, too

Boogie down with those bears (and friends)!

Looks like everybody had tremendous fun, Crafty Gal, as always.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  In 2013 Salinas (California) Public Library hosted a stuffed animal sleepover, and SPL staff made this cute video.

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