Thursday, October 31, 2013

That's One Whopper Candle!

I noticed that there's one whopper candle burning outside the Friends of the Library (FOL) book sale room at my Library.  Click the images to bigify.

Biggest Candle I've Ever Seen

That Flame Seems Strange

I'm not sure what to make of that flame.  It's not hot; it doesn't burn my minions when they touch it; and it doesn't flicker like most flames.  It must be a faux flame.  Still, I'm steering well clear.  Better safe than scorched, I'd venture.

So what's this candle all about?

FOL Fundraising Sale
Yankee Candle

So, where's the merchandise?

Quite Nice Stuff

These make great people-to-people holiday gifts.  Plus, portions of proceeds benefit the FOL, which supports the Library.  That's reason enough to purchase a whole bunch.  Maybe not as big as that huge candle on display, though.  Safety first, after all.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat


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