Thursday, October 10, 2013

Listen to What the Man Says

Those teens in the new horror novella, Floor Four, by A. Lopez, Jr., should have listened to "old man" Jake.  Our book trailer elaborates.

Floor Four: a Novella of Horror, by A. Lopez, Jr.
(MPL Book Trailer #177)

The music soundtrack to this book trailer, composed (as always) by our Library composer, superbly captures the sinister mood of this terrifying tale.  Horror fans will be scared silly, which is the plan, I'll venture.  As for moiself, I'll be hiding under the desk in the MPL Indiana Roving Reporter Room.  Why take chances?  "The Mangler" could be anywhere!

Floor Four is available for sale (Kindle or paperback editions) on

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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