Tuesday, October 1, 2013

For the Second Year Running

For the second year running, Truly Nice Gentleman has been named by our patrons as our Super Librarian.  Voting was based upon donations to the United Way of Central Indiana, and T.N.G.'s vote jar received the most money again.

Click Image to Bigify
It seems clear to moi that, for the past two years, my not having a donation jar prevented the public from making the obvious best choice as Super Librarian.  But it would have been an unfair contest!  Given my massive cuteness, I naturally would have won, and that would have discouraged all my minions, who would then have become depressed.  That could've resulted in slacking-off work.  We Boss Kitties can't allow that!  So, for the good of the Library, somebody else had to win this prize.

Concatulations, Truly Nice Gentleman!  Now get back to work!  Resting on your laurels, we don't need.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  This promo trailer for "Super Librarian" (2007), by the New Jersey State Library and the New Jersey Library Association, shows how all librarians are truly super-heroes.

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