Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Cleaning Grandfather's Clock

Humans sometimes use the expression that somebody taken to task (or struck a sharp blow to the face) has had his/her "clock cleaned."  As you can see, the Library's grandfather clock got its -- well -- clock cleaned.  Minions, make with the before-and-after shots.  Click the images to bigify.

MPL Grandfather Clock
(March 19, 2011)

MPL Grandfather Clock
(October 15, 2013)

Since the clock accident occurred last Saturday (10/12/13), all the broken bits have been removed to our dumpster, but the clock did a Humpty Dumpty (or a London Bridge) and crashed to the floor into a gazillion pieces.  I will state unequivocally that it was (wait for it ...)


I was nowhere near the Library last Saturday.  CircMaster said that it was totally an accident, but I've learned that we felines are often blamed for unforeseen events for which we cannot reasonably be held culpable but, nonetheless, are.  (That sentence sounded better in my head.  Perhaps my minion's typing is at fault.)

This tragedy naturally raises a burning question.

 Where Will Cauliette Sit?

Just Wondering

 Actually, Cauliette is stationed in the Indiana Roving Reporter Room.

Still, she really enjoyed sitting atop the Grandfather clock.  Now she's sad.  (Sniff!)

Any chance the Library will purchase a replacement for Cauliette?  Just asking.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

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