Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Canvassing" the YAZ

The YAZ (Young Adult Zone) at my Library became artists' canvas this week as teens began painting the windows for Halloween.  There's definitely a sci-fi/fantasy element intertwined with the ghostly stuff, but I'm down with that.

Click Images to Bigify

 The Doctor (in the TARDIS) Meets Scooby-Doo & Friend

 Bottom Left, Clockwise:  C-3P0 & R2D2 (Star Wars); Spock, Kirk,
McCoy (Star Trek); Shaggy (?) & Scooby-Doo; Cobwebs;
I Have No Idea; Casper the Friendly Ghost (?); Charlie Brown

I'll have to ask Programma Mama about those dudes in the red and blue shirts (upper right).

 L to R:  C-3P0 & R2D2; Cross-Bones; a Cat (!); Tombstones

 The Doctor (in Disguise) & a Dalek

 Back to the Tombstones

Certainly a mix of unusual characters, not ordinarily found together in their respective fictional universes, but, hey, Halloween is about the mysterious and the imaginary, so anything can happen.

I'm looking forward to more teen art in the YAZ windows.  I'll keep you posted.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  In this episode of MEG-A-RAE (August 31, 2012), Miss Meg & Miss Rachel host a panel discussion about all things Doctor WhoThere are even cool TARDIS sounds!

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