Monday, September 30, 2013

We Get Those Sometimes

Technigal reports that today (September 30) is Ask a Stupid Question Day.  We get those sometimes at my Library.  Scowl-Face, front-and-center!  We need your assistance, either in asking or answering.

 Click Images to Bigify

You Obviously Haven't Talked To Scowl-Face
(Re: Green Comment Above)

What's your favorite stupid question?  I'll accept those asked of you or by you.  Comments, please and thanks.

Technigal has a point about no questions being stupid.  How is anybody supposed to learn anything unless s/he asks questions?  Just asking.

We felines are not particularly tolerant of stupid questioning.  Fortunately, kitties never pose any stupid queries, and we know all the answers.  That means we run the show.  Yep.  Pretty much.

Seriously, drop by your favorite library today and ask the reference staff anything.  They will find the information you seek.  That's a pretty cool job, I'd venture.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Question," by the Moody Blues, appeared on the LP A Question of Balance (1970). Here the band performs the song on television, just a few weeks before it was released as a single (1970).

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