Thursday, September 26, 2013

Banned Book Displays Are Back

Our banned book displays are back!  Programma Mama has a really cool young adult display of challenged or banned books wrapped in caution tape.  Patrons can check them out, but you can't tell what you've got until you take it home (or wherever you read).  All we know for sure is that it's "forbidden fruit," which piqued my interest right away.

 Click Images to Bigify

Yep.  What Mark Twain Said, Pretty Much

Scowl-Face opted for a more traditional display, like he does every year.

In September, 2010, ol' Scowlly did a fancier display, but that was before my time.  We have photos from a readers' advisory blog, however.  I guess I could include them here.  No reason to subject you to ol' Scowlly's blogging.

Last year, Savvy and Programma Mama used the "rounder" display to showcase their selections of banned or challenged books, about which I naturally blogged.  I'll reprise some pictures.

Stop by the Library to check-out a challenged or banned book.  We have them in audio formats, too.  Hey, check-out a bunch.  You never know when they might disappear from the shelves.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  In case you missed them in last week's blog posts, here are our promo trailers for 2013 banned books week.

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