Monday, August 5, 2013

Travelling Dress Moves Front & Center

Broadway Gal's travelling Caldecott button dress moved front and center today from the Library's Youth Services Department to the Grand Hall. Caldecott Medal award-winning books are on display, too.  Naturally, we have photos, which you should click to bigify.  This time, we took pictures of both sides of the dress.

 The dress still looks better on Broadway Gal.  Just saying.

 Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Little Black Dress," by Sara Bareilles, is about the difficulty in "showcasing your authentic self in the world of entertainment," so the singer/songwriter told VH1.  The song was featured on the CD The Blessed Unrest (2013), which was just released last month.

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