Thursday, August 22, 2013

This Fantasy Read Pans Out

We've found a young adult fantasy novel from a decade ago that really pans out.

The Great God Pan, by Donna Jo Napoli
(MPL Book Trailer #174)

This book was the perfect vehicle for the MPL composer's A Day in the Life of Pan, for Flute, Cello, and Bass Trio (2013), about which we recently blogged.

The Great God Pan is recommended for readers in grades 7-10, so we're talking the younger end of the young adult spectrum.  It is available for Evergreen Indiana cardholders to check-out in our online Evergreen Indiana catalog.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Here's the complete version of A Day in the Life of Pan, for Flute, Cello, and Bass Trio (2013), composed by Daniel E. Buckley, MPL composer.

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