Wednesday, July 24, 2013

We All Scream For Ice Cream

This evening in the MPL community room, Crafty Gal had her end-of-summer-reading ice cream social for her early literacy kiddies and their caregivers.  Everybody screamed for ice cream!  Well, it's no surprise that youngsters got pretty excited.  Who doesn't love ice cream?

Crafty Gal was really busy running the show, and Boss Lady was also assisting with serving, crafts and coordinating the fun. Scowl-Face slipped in to snap some photos.  As always, click the images to bigify.

The party was a HUGE hit!  What a great way to celebrate a successful summer reading program.

Any ice cream left for moi, Crafty Gal?  Just asking.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "The Ice Cream Song" is what it's called, I suppose.  That's what the maker of this video called it, anyway.  "We all scream for ice cream!"  Pretty much.

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