Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Sadly, No Canned Tuna-in-Oil

Sadly, there was no canned tuna-in-oil included among the artifacts from the 1959 Mooresville High School (MHS) time capsule, which was opened at last night's Mooresville Consolidated School Corporation (MCSC) board meeting.  We have some nice photos on our "treasure trove" local history blog, thanks to Susan Haynes, MCSC chief communications officer.

Click the image below to see the photos and to read more about it.

What was inside the time capsule, if not canned tuna-in-oil?
  • Several editions of the Mooresville Times and the Indianapolis newspapers from the time period;
  • The 1959 MHS building dedication brochure;
  • A feasibility study for consolidating the schools of Mooresville and Brown/Madison/Harrison Townships (of Morgan County);
  • A photo of the MHS gymnasium under construction; and
  • A typed copy of the original MHS Articles of Incorporation from the 19th century.
This is all quite interesting, but it does nothing about my appetite.  Minions, make with my din-dins.

Just a suggestion, school board members.  If you place another time capsule in the current MHS renovations, you should include canned tuna-in-oil for some future feline roving reporter from our Library.  Whoever that kitty will be, s/he will surely appreciate it.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat

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