Thursday, July 11, 2013

Chit Chat With Browser

Browser, the Pine River (Minnesota) Public Library Cat, has a newspaper column with a catchy title.

Browser's Newspaper Column
(Click Image to Bigify) 

Besides Browser's award-winning blog and Facebook page, this newspaper column really makes Browser a true "feline roving reporter" at Pine River.  What a wonderful marketing tool for the library!  MPL minions, take note.

Browser has conquered almost all writers' media--newspaper, blog, Facebook, documentary movie--leaving only books.  That should be your next project, Browser!  Tell your minions to make all the necessary arrangements.  Why should Dewey the Library Cat corner the book market?  Just asking.

I've got a suggestion for your book.  Do what other journalists have done:  Publish your newspaper columns in book form!  It worked for Erma Bombeck, Art Buchwald, and Dave Barry, although they, too, wrote books with entirely new material.

My Library would DEFINITELY purchase a copy of your book, Browser.  We love cat books.  We have a bunch on our shelves (636.8, in Dewey-speak, as well as many more in fiction).

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,
Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  See the world from Browser's perspective in this video, "Browser's Town Adventure (Part One)" (2012).

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