Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Imagination Land Revisited

The Library's composer, whom I call the Music Man, has just re-voiced "Imagination Land," which is the second movement to the symphony Music Therapy for the Deranged.  We recently blogged about the re-voiced first movement, which has been critically acclaimed.

The new voicing is frankly an improvement over the original, which we really enjoy, too.  The second movement truly comes alive in your imagination.  Let's have a listen.

"Imagination Land"
Second movement from Music Therapy for the Deranged
(2013 Orchestral Remix)
by Daniel E. Buckley

The Music Man has his own "music video" for "Imagination Land," which includes one of his own photographs (he is also an accomplished photographer).

"Imagination Land" (Composer's Music Video) (2013)

My Library is so tremendously fortunate to have its own composer.  We're planning to use the new versions (as soundtracks) of movements one and two of Music Therapy for the Deranged in upcoming Library videos.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  No musical closer needed today.

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