Saturday, April 6, 2013

We Love Our Volunteers!

April 21-27, 2013 is National Volunteer Appreciation Week.  See, we have a PowerPoint slide and everything.

Click Images to Bigify

Thanks to the BizMeister and Programma Mama, we have a photo display thanking this year's volunteers.  You will observe, of course, that I am prominently displayed.  Well, my photo, I mean.  Don't be so literal (eye-roll).

We LOVE Our Volunteers!

As is our usual custom at my Library, we will again be having a volunteer appreciation luncheon bigbash in our community room.  This year's date is Wednesday, April 24.  We hope ALL of our wonderful volunteers will join us to celebrate their terrificness.  (Some words just need to be invented.)

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  I'm guessing, without bothering to check my previous postings on this topic, that we've repeatedly used this tune as a musical closer.  "Volunteers," by Jefferson Airplane, appeared, quite naturally, on the LP Volunteers (1969).  The original album cover photo dated from 1967, but the content was clearly different than previous themes.  The band had moved from psychedelic rock to anti-war, proactivism rock.  Social protest was the big thing back in the mid- to late- 1960s.  Scowl-Face still has his peace sign t-shirt, which was a decent fit when he was 13.  Now, the whole thing probably won't fit over his head.

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