Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Flat Five Shows How It's Done

"Flat" Cauli V (Flat Five for short) shows patrons how to use our new self-checkout kiosks in this promo trailer.

How to Use Our New Self-Checkout Kiosks,
by "Flat" Cauli Le Chat V
 (MPL Promo Trailer)

Quite user-friendly, I'd venture.  Anybody will be able to use these self-check stations.  They're quick and convenient!  They're so simple; even Scowl-Face can use them.  If that's not an endorsement for their ease-of-use, then I'm not a black feline.

Great job in the video, Flat Five!  Sorry, you can't have a raise.  Just saying.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S. Taylor Library at Western University created this funny promo trailer for the library's self-checkout stations. It's great! I love the zombies. Scowl-Face and Programma Mama wanted to do zombies for our promo trailer. Maybe someday.

1 comment:

  1. OMC, that is SO awesome! You checked out my book! I can't wait to share this.


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