Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 16 is Self-Checkout Starter Day

Tuesday, April 16, 2013, is Self-Checkout Starter Day at my Library. That's when patrons may begin checking-out their own items without having to wait at the circulation desk.  Great for those in a hurry or who like to avoid interpersonal contact, like Scowl-Face.

Technigal, MPL assistant director, says that the new self-checkout stations will look like this:

Click Image to Bigify

These units are so easy to use--even a human can do it.  You simply place your Evergreen Indiana library card under the little laser light that shines down onto that white area on the bottom so it reads the bar code, then you follow the instructions from there.  I'd tell you what they are, but I haven't actually seen one of these bad dudes operating yet, so I'll wait until staff training on Monday, April 15.  Meanwhile, we'll probably have some helpful videos uploaded to our website somewhere (or our YouTube Channel) closer to launch day.  Nothing has been filmed yet.  We won't even have the self-checkout stations installed until around the fifteenth or thereabouts. So perhaps we're getting ahead of ourselves here.  Still, better informed than not, I'll venture.

You'll like this new system--trust moi.  If there's one thing we felines truly appreciate, it's being self-sufficient.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "Check It Out," by Hoosier John Mellencamp, appeared on the album The Lonesome Jubilee (1987).  Bet he wasn't thinking of our high-tech gizmo, but maybe.  Who knows?  Here's the official music video for the song (1987).

1 comment:

  1. Are you SURE humans are capable of using it, Cauli? They may need feline supervision to get it right.


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