Tuesday, February 5, 2013

OverDrive, or Drive Over, to Download eBooks

Savvy and Crafty Gal made a promo trailer today explaining how patrons might learn to download free eBooks and audiobooks using OverDrive through the eIndiana Digital Consortium, of which my Library is a member.

OverDrive Promo Trailer
by Crafty Gal & Savvy

Sounds pretty exciting with that theme music.

Visit our website to connect with OverDrive.  Use your Evergreen Indiana library card (if it were issued from MPL) to download eBooks and audiobooks.

Need help with your e-Reader and OverDrive?  There are helpful videos available through our website.

You may download using the Library's wireless network, or you can download from anywhere else that you have Internet connectivity.  It's your call.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Our first OverDrive promo trailer (way back in early Fall 2010) had a few funny bits.

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