Wednesday, February 20, 2013

MEG-A-RAE Goes Bovine

Queenie the Cow was a special guest star on this week's episode of MEG-A-RAE, my Library's readers' advisory video blog (vlog).  Savvy and Programma Mama have their hands full, I can see.

MEG-A-RAE #26:
A Very Special Real Life Episode,
Starring Savvy & Programma Mama
(Queenie the Cow, Special Guest Star)

It's good to feature experts in their fields (or somebody else's fields, if the grass is greener) on library videos, and Queenie the Cow is definitely a bovine authority.

Did you notice that gold seal on the cover of Going Bovine?  That means its an award winner.  The novel won the 2010 Printz Award, 2010 Best Books for Young Adults Award, and the 2009 Booklist Editors' Choice Books for Youth Award.  Must be a good read.  They don't give those things out to just anybody.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Talking about real life reminded moi of "Real," by James Wesley.  It was released as the second single from his album, Real (2010).

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