Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Happy Birthday, Queen Settler

Today (February 12) is Queen Settler's birthday.  She must be a gazillion years old by now.

Ready to kick your you-know-what

Why do I call her Queen Settler?  It has something to do with this, I suppose.  Naturally, we have a video.

Watch for Queen Settler at the 1:17-1:20 marks
(MPL Treasure Trove Video #6)
[History of Old Settlers Picnic (1870-Present), Mooresville, Indiana]

How should we celebrate?  We should try something special and appropriate for Queen Settler.

"Runnin' With the Devil," by Van Halen
from the self-titled debut album (1978)

That says it all, pretty much.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

Queen Settler reading this blog post

P.S.  We'll add a snapshot of Queen Settler reading this blog post.  (That's her birthday crown, I'll venture.)  Who says we don't have action photos?

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