Monday, January 14, 2013

Zombies Revisited

Nearly three years ago, when Scowl-Face used iMovie for the first time to make a book trailer for The Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks, ol' Scowlly was not privy to the finer workings of the Mac software, to say the least.  He has been wanting to remake the video for years, but his Mac has become something of a zombie itself, so he has settled for Windows Movie Maker Live to retool the original book trailer.

MPL Book Trailer #11A (2013 Version)
The Zombie Survival Guide, by Max Brooks

What makes the book trailer worth watching are:

  • The Music Man's cacophonous live version of Starmap to Orion, recorded at Millikin University just a few days before our original book trailer was made (in February, 2010); and
  • Drawer Dude's original sketches, which are plenty scary and exquisitely fit the mood of the subject matter.
There should be a high-definition video of that live performance on YouTube.  Minions, you know what to do.

Live Performance of "Starmap to Orion"
(Student Composers' Forum III)
at Millikin University (February 18, 2010)
(Videography & Editing by Ms. Moonlight)

The video above (by Ms. Moonlight) is superbly shot (as a "standing single take"), and the Music Man (who recorded the sound) assured a high-fidelity recording.

Scowl-Face recorded a not-so-high-def version on his dinky Kodak digital camera, but he didn't have a tripod.  Steady as she goes, Scowlly!  It's too embarrassing to embed the video here, but you may watch it if you have sufficient endurance.  Perhaps Scowl-Face thought he was shooting The Blair Witch Project (1999) when he recorded his video.  It was certainly shaky enough.  Could have been an earthquake, I suppose.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  "The Gonk" was used as incidental music during the credits to George A. Romero's classic zombie horror movie, Dawn of the Dead (1978).  The song was included on the CD Dawn of the Dead: The Unreleased Incidental Music (2004).

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