Friday, January 18, 2013

Who Dat? (in Our Local History)

Week #4 of Mooresville History Hunters asks if patrons can identify who is in this photograph, and when it was taken.  (The "where" is furnished:  It was taken in Mooresville, Indiana.)

Click to Bigify

Courtesy of Photoshop, we have erased the answer (written in blue ink on the bottom of the picture).

Stop by the Library to fill-out an answer slip identifying the photo.  Correct answers will be included in a drawing to win a free local history book (see book trailer below).  Contest details appear here.

Finding the answers couldn't be easier!  Just visit the Mooresville Local History "Treasure Trove" blog and peruse the handouts and photos linked there.

Deadline for Week #4 answers:  Thursday, January 24, 2013.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  The Mooresville High School Class of 2012 wrote and published Imperceptible (2010), a collection of local historical sketches about people and places in and around Mooresville, Indiana.  Our book trailer elaborates.  Copies are available for sale in the Friends of the Library book sale room next to the library front entrance (price:  $7.00).  That's the book price, not the price of the front entrance.  (Perhaps that parenthetical should be relocated closer to the words it modifies.  But then I'd be out one joke.)

1 comment:

  1. Ready for the answer? The photo was taken in Mooresville circa 1888. It shows, from left to right, Ralp Hadley and Paul Hadley (cousins). Paul Hadley is best known today as the designer of the Indiana State Flag.


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