Friday, January 4, 2013

What Local History Lurks in Week Two?

Mooresville History Hunters, Week #2

How well do you know your hometown history?

·          Can you identify WHAT, WHERE & approximately WHEN this photo was taken?

Click Image to Bigify

Stop by the Library to fill-out an answer slip identifying the photo (who or what; where; and when the picture was taken).  Correct answers will be included in a drawing to win a free local history book.  Contest details appear here.

Finding the answers couldn't be easier!  Just visit the Mooresville Local History "Treasure Trove" blog and peruse the handouts and photos linked there.

Deadline for Week #2 answers:  Thursday, January 10, 2013.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  As our promo trailer reveals, the MPL Indiana Roving Reporter Room has an extensive local historical photograph collection.  You may be seeing some of these pictures in upcoming weeks for this contest.  Remember--You saw them here first!  Unless you saw them someplace else before.

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