Monday, January 28, 2013

Techie or Tekkie; It's Your Call

This week's episode of MEG-A-RAE covers techies.  Or tekkies.  But not trekkies.  That's something altogether different.

MEG-A-RAE #23:
A Very Special Tekkie Episode,
by Miss Meg & Miss Rachel

My Library is your techno-haven, for sure.  We have so much technology that we can't even remember it all!  Well, here are some highlights.

We have technology onsite available for your use and enjoyment.  Try our remote wireless printing, for instance.  We have computers and wireless connectivity all around the library campus.

This just scratches the surface of what my Library has technologically available to our patrons.  Drop by to take a closer peek.  Technology won't bite.  No guarantees about moi, however.  (Just kidding!)

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  By its title, "Eye in the Sky," by the Alan Parsons Project, suggests a future (present, now?) in which technologies monitor individual, personal human activities.  But the song is actually about a rocky personal relationship, in which the suspicious singer/narrator keeps pretty close tabs on his untrustworthy partner.  The song appeared on the LP by the same title (1982).

P.P.S.  "905," by the Who, was bassist John Entwistle's foray into a futuristic technological dystopia.  The song appeared on the LP Who Are You (1978), the last to include drummer Keith Moon, who tragically died in September, 1978.

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