Thursday, January 24, 2013

Not By the Hair on My Chinny-Chin-Chin!

Crafty Gal and Aggie McPooch wondered if I wore shoes.

Miss Michelle @ MPL:  Early Literacy Fun at the Library
(Week of January 20-26, 2013)

"Not by the hair on my chinny-chin-chin," says I.  Yes, I said it, and I'm glad.

See?  Sans Shoes, Thank You Very Much
(Click Images to Bigify)

Need I Say More?

I thought Pete the Cat looked really spiffy in those white shoes, however. You will, too, if you read this picture book featured in Crafty Gal and Aggie's video blog (vlog) above.  You may check it out in our online catalog, if you have an Evergreen Indiana library card.

Alert early readers will recognize my line above as coming from the classic tale, The Three Little Pigs, also featured in Crafty Gal & Aggie's vlog.  Both versions are available in our Evergreen Indiana online catalog.  You know where to click.  And again.

Occasionally, I live in a brick house (well, it has some brick on it), especially when it has been as cold as lately around my neighborhood.  My Library has brick practically everywhere, or at least where there aren't glass windows.

Take That, Big Bad Wolf!

So I hope that clears up the entire feline shoe-wearing mystery.  Shoes are all right, but we felines need foot freedom for our claws!  Much too useful to keep covered up, I'd venture.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Sam the Sham (i.e., Domingo "Sam" Zamudio) and the Pharaohs released the single "The Hair On My Chinny Chin Chin" (1966) as a follow-up to their huge hit single, "Wooly Bully" (1965), which was written about Sam's cat.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for clearing that up, Cauli! I'll be sure to let our viewers know the verdict next week. Stay warm!


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