Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Have a MOOvelous Holiday Season

Queenie the Cow, MPL early literacy spokescritter, wishes everybody a MOO-velous Christmas (I'll extend that to all the December holidays) in her Christmas Countdown video.

Queenie's Christmas Countdown
by Queenie the Cow
MPL Early Literacy Spokescritter

This is a nice message for this, my 900th blog posting.  Worked out as if we'd planned it that way.  Serendipity strikes again!

My only criticism of the video is that Scowl-Face forgot to mute the background noise in a couple of "silent" video clips.  Oh, well.  That's "library atmosphere," I suppose.  Sorta sets the mood.

The Library will be closed over the upcoming holidays, too.  I've got a slide for that somewhere.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  Some cute slobberdogs sing the "12 Dog Days of Christmas."  Pretty funny, for slobberdogs.

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