Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Another Glaring Omission

2018 UPDATE:  My Library's new website has a staff page but no photos.  Go figure.
I just discovered yet another glaring omission from the Library's website.  On the staff page (under the "About" tab in the menu bar), there are, as one might anticipate, photos of the Library staff.  Guess whose picture is notoriously missing?

 Yours Truly, Of Course

Just what is the deal here, Boss Lady?  You include photos of slackers like Scowl-Face but omit mine!  That's just plain wrong by any standard.

This needs to be immediately remedied.  Minions, you know what to do.

Next time I look at the staff web page, I'd better be looking right back.  Just saying.

Your Roving Reporter On The Go,

Cauli Le Chat

P.S.  I love that line in "Mr. Jones," by Counting Crows, in which Adam Duritz sings, "When I look at the television, I want to see me staring right back at me."  I can relate to that.  The song appeared on the band's debut studio album, August and Everything After (1993).


  1. Cauli, how in the world did they forget to include you on the staff page. Your darling face should be all over everything at the library! The official spokescat.

  2. I just checked and this horrifying wrong has been righted - your photo is there!


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