Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Two New Library Spokescritters

My Library has two new early literacy spokescritters, who will be sidekicks to Crafty Gal and Casey at the Bat in their video blogs (vlogs).  Looks like Queenie (the moo-cow) and Aggie McPooch (the slobberdog) will be jointly replacing Sammy the Toucan.  Tough luck to the other three candidates and Cauliette, who was completely overlooked, I must say.

Minions, make with the meeting videos, already!

I guess you can figure out which is which without moi captioning the videos.

Pretty polished and professional, Queenie and Aggie!  You're naturals in front of the camera.  Casey at the Bat did an exceptional job, too.  Crafty Gal also turned in a stellar performance, but we're accustomed to that now. In fact, we will be expecting great things from this quartet of early literacy talent.  We won't have to wait at all--they're already delivering the goods, big-time.

Sammy is certainly no easy winged dinner library spokescritter to replace, but Queenie and Aggie McPooch look quite promising.  We're looking forward to their upcoming videos.

Save Some of That Candy Corn For Moi, Crafty Gal,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Early Literacy News Beat

P.S.  Aggie McPooch was a tad nervous before her video debut.  In this public service announcement, Sesame Street's Maria and Elmo help kids face stressful situations.  Crafty Gal was inspired (like everybody else who works with young children) by Sesame Street.

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