Saturday, October 6, 2012

Our Tribute Trailer to Broadway Gal

Broadway Gal's final day as head of MPL Youth Services is Monday, October 8, 2012, and we're having a farewell bigbash for her in the Library's Community Room.  Please do try to attend.  There will be n'yum-n'yums aplenty.

Yesterday, we made a tribute trailer (like a promo trailer without the library program, or a book trailer without the book) for Broadway Gal.  Want to see it?  Of course you do.

My minions will be attending Monday's bigbash with digital camera in paw ready to snap some pix and vids. If it's Scowl-Face handling the equipment, we'll need to Photoshop the results to make them blog-worthy.  Minions, make it so.

Hope There's Canned Tuna-in-Oil at the Bigbash,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Staff Farewells News Beat

P.S.  "Beautiful Day," by U2, seemed to capture the mood of a new beginning.  The song appeared on the album All That You Can't Leave Behind  (2000).

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