Wednesday, October 24, 2012

No Pancakes For Moi

In this week’s episode of MEG-A-RAE, the Library’s readers’ advisory video blog (vlog), Programma Mama and Savvy discuss books about ghosts.  Sorry–no pancakes for moi.  Observe that the MPL Indiana Roving Reporter Room apparently now has a clumsy poltergeist.

 MEG-A-RAE Episode #12
A Very Special Pancake Ghostly Episode

Now, if the pancakes were tuna-flavored, I'd be on board in a heartbeat.

Better Polish the Top of That Book Shelf, Technigal -- Just Saying,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Readers' Advisory News Beat

P.S.  Want a 1920s-style song about making pancakes?  Sure you do.  Campbell and Monson have got you covered with "1920's Music Style About 'How to Prepare Flossy and Fluffy Pancakes'" (2012).  (It's a Vimeo video, so you'll have to click this hyperlink to watch.)

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