Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Where'd the Books Go?

Where'd all the books go in Adult Fiction A-C?  Those books surely aren't invisible.  I jumped onto the vacant spaces, and there was nothing in my way.

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Hey, wait a minute!  That first shelf range is SHORTER than it used to be! What's up with that?

Something fishy is going on here.  It had better be canned tuna-in-oil.

I just saw Technigal lurking among the stacks, shifting fiction books.  In an exclusive interview, she told moi that she herself disassembled the first bookshelf range nearest this emergency exit so that the door could be converted to open access to the MPL Courtyard outside.  There will be security gates installed, which is why the extra open space was needed.

I think it's pretty darned amazing that Technigal took apart and reassembled that book shelving.  The things librarians can do!  It just goes to show the power of an M.L.S. (Master of Library Science) degree, which she, of course, has earned.

My minions tried to snap a photo of Technigal at work, but she's camera-shy.  We will just have to be a little bit sneakier, I'm thinking.

Hey, I'm a Cat -- Stealth Is My Business,

Cauli Le Chat
MPL Roving Reporter
Library Shelving News Beat

P.S.  "Gone," by Pearl Jam, was released as a single and an album track (Pearl Jam, 2006).

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